Hour by Hour has been named!
After much deliberation, I've finally settled on a name for my time planning app: Hour by Hour!
I explored quite a few options along the way. "Inamo" (as in "in a mo") had a nice ring to it. "Andiamo" felt energetic. "Thyme" was a cute play on words, and "Day by Selkie" would have tied nicely to future apps under the Selkie umbrella. But they all had issues - either they were already taken by other apps, or carried associations that didn't quite fit.
In the end, I kept coming back to "Hour by Hour". It's descriptive (which helps people find it on the App Store), but I think it's also elegant in its simplicity. Sometimes the straightforward choice is the right one!
I'm excited to be getting close to the first public release. If you'd like to try it out, you can join the TestFlight beta here:
I'd love to hear what you think!